Board of Airlines Representative in Nepal

Established in 1990, BARN was formed to foster development and cooperation in the aviation sector, reflecting the growing importance of air transportation in Nepal’s economy and its pivotal role in tourism and economic growth.

Future Aspirations

BARN is committed to continuing its efforts to promote the growth and sustainability of the aviation industry in Nepal.

Achievements in 2023


Successful advocacy for the waiver of Passenger Service Charges (PSC) before May 28, following extensive efforts and negotiations with the pertinent authorities

Collaboration with government agencies

Collaboration with government agencies to address taxation issues, such as Sales Tax & Value Added Tax (VAT) implementation. BARN proactively engaged with MoCTCA, MoF, IRD, IATA & RA to facilitate the implementation of VAT Code T6.

Industry Meetings

Active participation in industry meetings and interactions to discuss key issues such as fuel pricing, airport services, and regulatory changes

Establishment of Remittance Holding Capacity

Establishment of Remittance Holding Capacity equivalent to the Bank Guarantee, limiting overtrading by travel agencies. Our active participation in several APJC meetings reflects our dedication to this cause.


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